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Straight from the Farm

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First delivery arrived today from Farmhouse Delivery, a local CSA, made up of various family and urban farms. In addition, they also provide access to other local producers and artisans. 

farmhousebox1.jpgThe box was left safely near the front door, in a clear, sealed bin. No worries on the produce being damaged. Inside, the vegetables were on a bed of shredded paper and had a quick 'ice block' to keep things cool, which was really a pony soda bottle filled with water and frozen. Nifty idea. Eccles brought the vegetables inside and revealed some beautiful surprises: 

- carrots, bright orange, lush green tops
- red cabbage, dark and wintry
- kale, big leafed and firm
- small apples, crisp, cool 
- meyer lemons, not thick-skinned, likely full of juice
- green onions, with bits of black earth on them
- cauliflower, heavy with big leaves
- parsley, a full bunch
- avocado, 2, not hard, but not quite ready to turn into guacamole
- organic mixed greens, insta-salad
- potatoes, a surprise, but neat 

I'd also gotten a set of croissants and buttermilk icing cinnamon rolls, just because. These were provided by Barrie Cullinan Baked Goods where Barrie creates the most amazing breads. The croissants were flaky and buttery, with the right amount of crispness on the outside and edges. The inside wasn't puffy air, but had a slight chewiness.  

Tore into those quickly and scarfed one with butter, standing there at the kitchen island. I managed to take a bit of the cinnamon roll, but that had to hold, since I still had to make dinner.

Immediately, I started to worry on whether I'd get through all of the vegetables in the next two weeks, but then realized that a soup with beef cubes may be in our future this weekend.

Vegetables + Cow = Soup

All in all, very pleased by the first delivery.

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