Cooking La Vache

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So it seems that cooking le vache may be a challenge. 

We took out two ribeyes, first two from the lot. 2 days frozen in the fridge, then a day out to thaw in the sink. @jonetkins cooked them, but while his was nice and tender, mine was a bit dry and tough. 

We're wondering if it was simply overcooked - though he says that the two steaks had different textures even before cooked. I suspect it was where they were from on the carcass - his was ribeye towards the back while mine may have been from towards the shoulder. 

They certainly looked cut differently - which suggests that we also have to check cuts better when getting them from the freezer.

Salad was good - Farmhouse Delivery organic greens, their apples minced, walnuts + cranberries and a bit of crumbled Maytag blue cheese. Oka's dressing on top. 

This weekend's challenge - a soup with beef cubes and vegetables!

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Indeed the two were clearly different even before cooking. The larger of the two was far "looser" - when I held it up from one end it stretched out somewhat like a concertina. Conversely, the smaller steak was much "tighter" - it retained its shape no matter how I held it.

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